Insurance Quote AI Assistant

Powered by conversational and generative AI, thisAI assistant simplifies the insurance quotation process for new and existing customers. The bot engages with a customer across different channels (voice, text, web and mobile app) to understand their insurance needs, ask questions that help give them an appropriate quote, and sign them up. This helps increase conversion rates, decrease the pre-sales costs of quotations, and improve a prospect’s self-service experience.

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How the Quote AI Assistant Helps

  • Engages with potential new customers via web, mobile app, text, or voice.
  • Recognizes intent to purchase insurance and guides them seamlessly through the process
  • Requests necessary information to tailor insurance quote to the individual’s needs.
  • Provides price comparisons and competitive quotes in real time.
  • Facilitates the closing of new business and renewals.

How this Help the Business

  • Improves accessibility and convenience for insurance quotes.
  • Automates the pre-qualification and quotation process.
  • Offers personalized quotes fast and seamlessly.
  • Frees agents up to focus on more complex queries.
  • Increases conversion rates on insurance quotes.

How this Helps the Customer

  • 24/7 availability and access to quotations on their channel of choice.
  • More seamless experience in capturing info relevant to insurance needs.
  • Receives more personalized and competitive quotes.
  • Eliminates the frustration of queuing and hold times.
  • Shorter customer journey in purchasing decisions.


# requests processed

# quotations sent

% quotations converted

$ amount of quotations closed

time to complete


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