better chatbots faster?

Try our intuitive Bot Building Wizard to see how ServisBOT makes it easier and faster to create enhanced bot experiences.


Select your Bot Building Goal to Get Started:

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Take our Wizard Journey
to Create or Enhance your Bot

Add Intents
Bot Building Wizard 5

Design your conversation by simply creating intents and adding utterances or training phrases. You can enter these directly in the wizard or upload a formatted CSV file. No idea where to start? You can also add some of our pre-built intents.

Configure Fulfillment
Bot Building Wizard 6

Using drag and drop, configure the way the bot will respond to each intent. Experiment with various actions and preview them in real-time.

Add Skills
Bot Building Wizard 7

Easily add, configure and map pre-built skills like document upload, CSAT, weather and more to intents, to help enable completion of complex tasks.

Style Bot Messenger
Bot Building Wizard 8

Customize the rich media messenger to match your brand look and feel using easy to configure style elements.

Try Your Bot
Bot Building Wizard 9

Give your bot a whirl by testing out your intents, fulfilment actions and skills, and experiencing how it has all come together.

Bot Building Wizard 5
Bot Building Wizard 6
Bot Building Wizard 7
Bot Building Wizard 8
Bot Building Wizard 9
quotation marks

ServisBOT helps us connect our Amazon Lex bots to their platform and create new bots more efficiently, and also enhance our existing bots using out of the box functionality. The Wizard is intuitive and sheds light on what is needed to create great bots.


Director of Conversational AI, Enterprise Banking Industry

ServisBOT Offers a Suite of Tools to Help Improve Bot Performance with No Lock-In or Loss of Existing Investments

billing bot

and Tuning

IT Helpdesk bot


digital reception bot

Multi Bot

field service bot

NLP Lift
and Shift

Ready to build your own bot or enhance your Amazon Lex bot?

It’s fast, it’s easy!

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