Improve Bot Performance with Unsupervised Learning

Try our automated machine learning tool where you can analyze, review and identify recommended changes, within minutes. No configuration or integration required.

01Upload an existing bot design for analysis and accuracy score.
02Review the suggested changes for improved training and treatment of confusion.
03Export recommendations for model improvement.
04Integrate to your CI/CD process to automate changes and prevent regression.*

*contact ServisBOT for more information.

Get Started with a 30 Day Trial

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ServisBOT helps us greatly minimize learning delay and improve the quality of our NLU model with their containerized tools for NLU automation/unsupervised learning. Knowing we can analyze, review and apply changes in real-time is a game changer for CX.

Head of Product, Conversational AI, Global Telco

ServisBOT Offers a Suite of Tools to Help Improve Bot Performance with No Lock-In or Loss of Existing Investments

billing bot

and Tuning

IT Helpdesk bot

Bot Building

digital reception bot

Multi Bot

field service bot

NLP Lift
and Shift

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