
I offer customers opportunities to buy other related products or services that they may benefit from. I’m not shy and am good at recognizing potential for customers to purchase additional items or avail of offers. I can sell to customers either in a proactive way or as part of a response to an inbound customer request.

Red Background

Customer Journeys

  • Customers learn about related products/services that are personalized to them 
  • More personalized and targeted customer experience
  • Less pushy, conversational experience 

How I Help the Business

  • Automate outbound campaigns to up-sell or cross-sell
  • Identify sales opportunities across different customer engagements
  • Increase revenue per customer
  • Build strong relationships and brand recognition through experience
  • Lower cost of sales campaigns, involving human sales rep if necessary

How I Help the Customer

  • Expand customer knowledge of related goods and services that are of benefit 
  • Build strong and more personal sales relationship
  • Easy access to product/service information 

My Metrics

# upsell engagements

# customers engaged

$ amount of goods/services sold

Average revenue per customer


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